Tidal Love Numbers of Neutron Stars in Horndeski Theories,WUCG-25-02
Forecast constraints on the axion-photon coupling from interstellar medium heating,WUCG-25-01
Nonsingular black holes and spherically symmetric objects in nonlinear electrodynamics with a scalar field,WUCG-24-10
Instability of nonsingular black holes in nonlinear electrodynamics,WUCG-24-09
Scrutinizing black hole stability in cubic vector Galileon theories,WUCG-24-08
Proving the absence of large one-loop corrections to the power spectrum of curvature perturbations in transient ultra-slow-roll inflation within the path-integral approach,WUCG-24-07
Even- and odd-parity stabilities of black holes in Einstein-Aether gravity,WUCG-24-06
Revisiting linear stability of black hole odd-parity perturbations in Einstein-Aether gravity,WUCG-24-05
Linear stability of vector Horndeski black holes,WUCG-24-04
Roles of boundary and equation-of-motion terms in cosmological correlation functions,WUCG-24-03
Angular and radial stabilities of spontaneously scalarized black holes in the presence of scalar-Gauss-Bonnet couplings,WUCG-24-02
Probing the signature of axions through the quasinormal modes of black holes,WUCG-24-01
Low-Scale Inflationary Magnetogenesis without Baryon Isocurvature Problem,WUCG-23-13
Can we distinguish black holes with electric and magnetic charges from quasinormal modes?,WUCG-23-12
Gravitational-wave constraints on scalar-tensor gravity from a neutron star and black-hole binary GW200115,WUCG-23-11
Observational constraints on interactions between dark energy and dark matter with momentum and energy transfers,WUCG-23-10
Weyl Starobinsky inflation,WUCG-23-09
Stability of Schwarzshild black holes in quadratic gravity with Weyl curvature domination,WUCG-23-08
Highly asymmetric probability distribution from a finite-width upward step during inflation,WUCG-23-07
Excluding static and spherically symmetric black holes in Einsteinian cubic gravity with unsuppressed higher-order curvature terms,WUCG-23-06
Black holes in a new gravitational theory with trace anomalies,WUCG-23-05
Constraining Horndeski theory with gravitational waves from coalescing binaries,WUCG-23-04
Coupled vector Gauss-Bonnet theories and hairy black holes,WUCG-23-03
Black hole perturbations in Maxwell-Horndeski theories,WUCG-23-02
Viable massive gravity without nonlinear screening,WUCG-23-01
Cosmological stability in f(ϕ,G) gravity,WUCG-22-12
Primordial black holes from Higgs inflation with a Gauss-Bonnet coupling,WUCG-22-11
Cosmology in theories with spontaneous scalarization of neutron stars,WUCG-22-10
Inspiral gravitational waveforms from compact binary systems in Horndeski gravity,WUCG-22-09
Symmetry restoration in the vicinity of neutron stars with a nonminimal coupling,WUCG-22-08
Hamiltonian formulation and loop quantization of a recent extension of the Kruskal spacetime,WUCG-22-07
The space of solutions of the Ashtekar-Olmedo-Singh effective black hole model,WUCG-22-06
Stability of neutron stars in Horndeski theories with Gauss-Bonnet couplings,WUCG-22-05
Instability of hairy black holes in regularized 4-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity,WUCG-22-04
Linear stability of black holes with static scalar hair in full Horndeski theories: generic instabilities and surviving models,WUCG-22-03
Cuscuta-Galileon Cosmology: Dynamics, Gravitational "Constant"s and Hubble Constant,WUCG-22-02
Linear stability of black holes in shift-symmetric Horndeski theories with a time-independent scalar field,WUCG-22-01
Probing Modified Gravity with Integrated Sachs-Wolfe CMB and Galaxy Cross-correlations,WUCG-21-14
Relativistic star perturbations in Horndeski theories with a gauge-ready formulation,WUCG-21-13
Cosmological Dynamics of Cuscuta-Galileon Gravity,WUCG-21-12
Rotating particles in AdS: Holography at weak gauge coupling and without conformal symmetry,WUCG-21-11
Non-oscillating vacuum states and the quantum homogeneity and isotropy hypothesis in Loop Quantum Cosmology,WUCG-21-10
Odd-parity stability of black holes in Einstein-Aether gravity,WUCG-21-09
Gravitational and Gravitoscalar Thermodynamics,WUCG-21-08
Probing elastic interactions in the dark sector and the role of S8,WUCG-21-07
Primordial perturbations in kinetically dominated regimes of general relativity and hybrid quantum cosmology,WUCG-21-06
Spontaneous scalarization of charged stars,WUCG-21-05
Analytical investigation of pre-inflationary effects in the primordial power spectrum: From General Relativity to hybrid Loop Quantum Cosmology,WUCG-21-04
Cosmological perturbations for ultra-light axion-like particles in a state of Bose-Einstein condensate,WUCG-21-03
J-PAS: forecasts on interacting vacuum energy models,WUCG-21-02
Quantization ambiguities and the robustness of effective descriptions of primordial perturbations in hybrid Loop Quantum Cosmology,WUCG-21-01
Velocity-dependent interacting dark energy and dark matter with a Lagrangian description of perfect fluids,WUCG-20-08
Detection of isotropic cosmic birefringence and its implications for axion-like particles including dark energy,WUCG-20-07
Instability of compact stars with a nonminimal scalar-derivative coupling,WUCG-20-06
Stability of relativistic stars with scalar hairs,WUCG-20-05
Current status of space gravitational wave antenna DECIGO and B-DECIGO,WUCG-20-04
General formulation of cosmological perturbations in scalar-tensor dark energy coupled to dark matter,WUCG-20-03
Suppressed cosmic growth in coupled vector-tensor theories,WUCG-20-02
Local gravity test of unified models of inflation and dark energy in f(R) gravity,WUCG-20-01
2019年以前の辻川信二の研究業績は, publicationsをご参照ください.